From Plastic Waste to Concrete Solutions - with Ben Norton, Simon Teede, and Rainer von Urff Kaufeld from Ele Collection

This podcast episode contains an extreme story featuring a raging elephant, a rock and plastic pollution! This story resulted in Ele-Collection, an organization founded to tackle plastic pollution in Southern Africa’s ecologically sensitive areas. Ele-Collection began a journey to remove plastic from Victoria Falls for good with a sustainable and scalable recycling solution!

We are joined by Ben Norton, Simon Teede, and Rainer von Urff Kaufeld, who are representing Ele-Collection and take us on a journey over the following main topics:

  • The Impact of Plastic Waste on wildlife and especially the cause of Plasticosis which is poisoning animals around the world as they die slowly due to the toxicity of ingested microplastics.

  • The severe lack of local waste management facilities in Zimbabwe.

  • Ele Collection’s pioneering plan to convert plastic into concrete and their pilot plant project in Victoria Falls.

  • Their plan to incentivize locals to collect plastic waste in hopes of fostering positive change.

To learn more about Ele Collection, visit, or visit them on LinkedIn.